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"D" goes to college at one of the local universities and, although doesn't really come across as someone who would be into the whole Greek scene, he's involved with a fraternity there.
A fellow college buddy had told him about the chance to make some cash wagging his dick on camera. He's done some semi-nude stripping and dancing for bachelorette parties, but never taken the plunge into porn.
What threw me for a loop, I found out when he showed up, is that D is married with a kid in tow. His wife didn't know he was coming in for the shoot at the time, but apparently told her about it afterward. He called up later asking to get a copy of the video so she could watch it, too.
Even though he's getting some regular action at home with the little lady, D's got some stamina. After blowing a messy load that flies up to his shoulders, he took a 10 minute break and shot a second wad while watching his favorite "tube" video in the kitchen.